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Fiscal and Economic
Employment and Labor
Monthly Unemployment Rate
Over the Month Change in Unemployment Rate
Over the Year Change in Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Loans (in millions)
Percent of mortgaged home owners that are cost burdened
Percent of renter-occupied units that are cost burdened
Percentage of Mortgaged Underwater Property (Negative Equity)
Median Household Income
Bankruptcy filings per 1,000 population
Per Capita Personal Income
Percent of People 65 Years and Over Below Poverty Level in the Past 12 Months
Percent of total population in poverty in the past 12 months
Percent of children living below poverty level in the past 12 months
Gross Domestic Product by State (millions of current dollars)
Gross Domestic Product Per Capita by State
Early Education
Percent of 4 year olds enrolled in state funded pre-k
Percent of 4 year olds in state funded pre-k, preschool special education and Head Start
Educational Attainment
Percent of people 25 years and over who have completed high school (includes equivalency)
Percent of people 25 years and over who have completed a bachelor’s degree
Percent of people 25 years and over who have completed an advanced degree
Higher Education
Retention rate: percentage of first year students who enroll for second year
Graduation rate: percentage of students who obtain a bachelor’s degree within six years
Graduation rate: percentage of students who obtain an associate's degree within three years
K-12 Education
8th graders who scored below the basic math level
8th graders who scored below basic reading level
8th graders who scored below basic science level
8th graders who scored below basic writing level
4th graders who scored below basic math level
4th graders who scored below basic reading level
4th graders who scored below basic science level
4th graders who scored below basic writing level
Infrastructure: Bridges
Percent of all bridges structurally deficient
Percent of all bridges functionally obsolete
Percent of state owned bridges structurally deficient
Percent of state owned bridges functionally obsolete
Safety: Fatalities
Total number of traffic fatalities
Traffic fatalities per 100 million annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
Total number of alcohol impaired fatalities
Alcohol impaired fatalities per 100 million annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
Percent of traffic fatalities involving high blood alcohol concentration
Safety: Seat Belt Usage Rates
Seat belt usage rates
Energy & Environment
Energy: Generation and Efficiency
Total renewable energy net generation (thousand Kilowatthours)
Renewable energy net generation (thousand Kilowatthours) per capita
Net Renewable Energy Share of Total Net Generation
Environment: Environmental Sustainability
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified Building Space per Capita (Sq. Feet)
Environment: Air Quality
Air Pollution - Micrograms of Fine Particles per Cubic Meter
Public Safety & Justice
Recidivism Rate
Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Percent of population using illicit drugs in the past month
Violent and Property Crime
Violent Crime Rate per 100,000 population
Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter Rate per 100,000 population
Property Crime Rate per 100,000 population
Forcible Rape Rate per 100,000 population
Robbery Rate per 100,000 population
Aggravated Assault Rate per 100,000 population
Burglary Rate per 100,000 population
Larceny-Theft Rate per 100,000 poulation
Motor Vehicle Theft Rate per 100,000 population
Health & Human Services
Birth and Pregnancy
Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births)
Low birthweight rates
Teen birth rate
Child Welfare
Children in Poverty
Child Fatality Rate Per 100,000 Due to Maltreatment (Abuse and Neglect)
Unique Child Fatalities Due to Maltreatment (Abuse and Neglect)
Healthy Behaviors
Percentage of Adult Population Who Are Current Smokers
Childhood obesity
Percentage of adult population overweight or obese
Percent of 2-year-olds who were immunized
Adults aged 65+ who have had a flu shot within the past year
Adults aged 65+ who have ever had a pneumonia vaccination
Public Assistance
Program Access Index
Prevalence of household-level food insecurity (low and very low security)
Percent of Food Stamp Applications Processed within the Federal Timeline
SNAP Payment Total Error Rates
Percent of unemployed adult TANF recipients who became newly employed during the report year
TANF Work Participation Rates
Chlamydia infection rate, per 100,000 population
Gonorrhea infection rate, per 100,000 population
Syphilis infection rate, per 100,000 population
Reported AIDS cases, per 100,000 population
Supplemental Measures
Education Supplemental Measures
Total Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education (in thousands of dollars)
State and Local Public Higher Education Support Per Full-Time Equivalent Student
Total Number of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
Total Number of Students in Membership in Operating Public and Secondary Schools
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions: All Public Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions: Total Public 4-Year Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions: Total Public 2-Year Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions: Total Not-For-Profit Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions:Total Not-For-Profit 4-Year Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions:Total Not-For-Profit 2-Year Institutions
Degree Granting Higher Education Institutions: Total For-Profit Institutions
Average Undergraduate In-State Tuition and Required Fees: Public 4-Year
Average Undergraduate In-State Tuition and Required Fees: Private 4-Year
Average Undergraduate In-State Tuition and Required Fees: Public 2-Year
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Total
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: All Public Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Total Public 4-Year Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Public 2-Year Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: All Not-For-Profit Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Total Not-For-Profit 4-Year Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Total Not-For-Profit 2-Year Institutions
Average Salary of Full-Time Higher Education Faculty on 9-Month Contracts: Total For-Profit Institutions
Elementary and Secondary Education Expenditures (in millions of dollars): Total
Energy and Environment Supplemental Measures
Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Use
Fiscal and Economic Supplemental Measures
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: Total (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: General Local Government Support (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: Education (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: Public Welfare (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: Highway (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Expenditures: Health (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Revenue: Total (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Revenue: From Federal Government (in thousands of dollars)
State Intergovernmental Revenue: From Local Governments (in thousands of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Total (in millions of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Retirement and Disability (in millions of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Other Direct Payments (in millions of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Grants (in millions of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Procurement (in millions of dollars)
Federal Government Expenditures: Salaries and Wages (in millions of dollars)
State Government Tax Revenue: Total (in thousands of dollars)
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Total
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Education
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Public Welfare
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Highways
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Hospitals
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Natural Resources
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Health
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Corrections
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Financial Administration
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Employment Security Administration
State General Expenditure (in thousands of dollars): Police
State Debt Outstanding at End of Fiscal Year (in thousands of dollars):Total
State Debt Outstanding at End of Fiscal Year (in thousands of dollars): Long-term
State Debt Outstanding at End of Fiscal Year (in thousands of dollars): Short-term
Finances of State-Administered Employee Retirement Systems (in thousands of dollars): Total Receipts
Finances of State-Administered Employee Retirement Systems (in thousands of dollars): Employee Contributions
Finances of State-Administered Employee Retirement Systems (in thousands of dollars): Total Government Contributions
Finances of State-Administered Employee Retirement Systems (in thousands of dollars): Total Payments
Finances of State-Administered Employee Retirement Systems (in thousands of dollars): Earnings on Investments
State General Fund, Actual (in millions of dollars): Revenues
State General Fund, Actual (in millions of dollars): Expenditures
State General Fund, Actual (in millions of dollars): Budget Stabilization Fund
State Tax Collections, Estimated (in millions of dollars): Sales Tax
State Tax Collections, Estimated (in millions of dollars): Personal Income Tax
State Tax Collections, Estimated (in millions of dollars): Corporate Income Tax
General Supplemental Measures
State Statistics: Land Area in Square Miles
State Statistics: Population
State Statistics: Population Density Per Square Mile
State Statistics: Number of Representatives in Congress
Governmental Operations Supplemental Measures
Number of Legislators: Total in Senate
Number of Legislators: Total Democrats in Senate
Number of Legislators: Total Republicans in Senate
Number of Legislators: Total in House/Assembly
Number of Legislators: Total Republicans in House/Assembly
Number of Legislators: Total Democrats in House/Assembly
Regular Legislative Session Statistics: Bill Introductions
Regular Legislative Session Statistics: Resolution Introductions
Regular Legislative Session Statistics: Bill Enactments/Adoptions
Regular Legislative Session Statistics: Resolution Enactments/Adoptions
Regular Legislative Session Statistics: Measures Vetoed by Governor
State Public Employee-Retirement Systems: Number of Systems
State Public Employee-Retirement Systems: Total Membership
State Public Employee-Retirement Systems: Inactive Members
State Public Employee-Retirement Systems: Total Beneficiaries Receiving Periodic Benefit Payments
State Public Employee-Retirement Systems: Active Members
State and Local Government Employment: Total FTE
State and Local Government Employment: State FTE
State and Local Government Employment: Local FTE
Voting Statistics for Gubernatorial Elections: Total Votes in Primary Election
Voting Statistics for Gubernatorial Elections: Total Votes in General Election
State and Local Government Payrolls (in thousands of dollars):Total Payroll
State and Local Government Payrolls (in thousands of dollars): State Government Payroll
State and Local Government Payrolls (in thousands of dollars): Local Government Payroll
State and Local Government Payrolls (in thousands of dollars): Average Earnings of Full-Time Employees
Voting Statistics for Presidential Elections: Voting Age Population
Voting Statistics for Presidential Elections: Number Registered
Voting Statistics for Presidential Elections: Number Voting
Health and Human Services Supplemental Measures
Total number of recipients receiving TANF
Average monthly participation in the food stamp program
Percent of female-headed families receiving child support
Children entering foster care
Children exiting foster care
Health Insurance Coverage Status For All People: Total Percent Covered by Health
Health Insurance Coverage Status For All People: Total Percent Not Covered by Health Insurace During the Year
Percent of Children Under 19 Years of Age, At or Below 200 Percent of Poverty, By Health Insurance Coverage Status: Total Percent Covered by Health Insurace During the Year
Percent of Children Under 19 Years of Age, At or Below 200 Percent of Poverty, By Health Insurance Coverage Status: Total Percent Not Covered by Health Insurace During the Year
Income Inequality Metrics
Top 10% Income Share
Top 1% Income Share
Gini Coefficient
Public Safety and Justice Supplemental Measures
Capital Punishment: Number of Prisoners Under Sentence of Death
Number of Sentenced Prisoners From State and Federal Jurisdiction: Total Number of Admissions
Number of Sentenced Prisoners From State and Federal Jurisdiction:Total Number of Releases
Total State Prison Population
Transportation Supplemental Measures
Total number of bridges by state
Total number of state owned bridges
State Funding for Public Transportation (in thousands of dollars)
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